
Graptolites recovered from the organic-rich intervals, previously named the Boas River Formation in the Upper Ordovician succession on Southampton, Akpatok, and southern Baffin islands provide a reliable age assessment for the Upper Ordovician petroleum source rocks in the northern Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, and Foxe basins. They are characterised by Anticostia lata and Anticostia hudsoni in the lower Red Head Rapids Formation on Southampton Island; Anticostia decipiens and Rectograptus socialis in the lower Foster Bay Formation on Akpatok Island; and Diplacanthograptus spiniferus and Amplexograptus praetypicalis in the lower Amadjuak Formation on southern Baffin Island. These data suggest that the organic-rich intervals in the northern Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait basins can be correlated to the Dicellograptus anceps and Paraorthograptus pacificus zones of the upper Katian, and the horizon in the Foxe Basin to the Diplacanthograptus spiniferus Zone of the lower Katian. The Boas River Formation is not deemed appropriate to use as it occurs as an organic-rich interbed in different stratigraphic units in different basins; therefore, it is suggested to abandon it as a stratigraphic term.

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