
AbstractSoil temperature (ST) is one of the key variables in land-atmosphere interactions. The response of ST to atmospheric changes and subsequent influence of ST on atmosphere can be recognized as the processes of signals propagation. Understanding the storing and releasing of atmosphere signals in ST favors the improvement of climate prediction and weather forecast. However the current understanding of the lagging response of ST to atmospheric changes is very insufficient. The analysis based on observation shows that both the storage of air temperature signals in deep ST even after four months and the storage of precipitation signals in shallow ST after one month are widespread phenomena in China. Air temperature signals at 2m can propagate to the soil depths of 160 cm and 320 cm after 1 month and 2 months, respectively. The storage of antecedent air temperature and precipitation signals in ST is slightly weaker and stronger during April to September, respectively, which is related to more precipitation during growing season. The precipitation signals in ST rapidly weaken after 2 months. Moreover, the effects of accumulated precipitation and air temperature on the signal storage in ST have significant monthly variations and vary linearly with soil depth and latitude. The storage of antecedent air temperature or precipitation signals in ST exhibits an obvious decadal variation with a period of more than 50 years, and it may be resulted from the modulation of the global climate patterns which largely affect local air temperature and precipitation.

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