
The Javanese language has various forms of affixed words. It makes people from other regions find it difficult to understand the Javanese language. One of the ways to understand the Javanese language is by studying and understanding Javanese vocabulary in the Javanese language dictionary or learning directly from ones who master the Javanese language. Both offline and online dictionaries have not been able to translate affixed words. This research used Nazief and Adriani Algorithm to find out the stems/root words in the Javanese language. The objective of this research is to apply the Nazief and Adriani Algorithm in stemming affixed words in the Javanese language. The subject discussed in this research is the application of stemming affixed Javanese words by using Nazief and Adriani algorithm. The stages started with identifying the affixes in the Javanese language. Nazief and Adriani algorithm has five steps those are detecting words that have affixes, cutting words that contain inflection suffixes, derivation suffixes and derivation prefixes, and last recording. The result of this research is a stemming application for affixed Javanese words that applies Nazief and Adriani algorithm method. Based on the accuracy test, it appears that 93.6% of words are accurate from the total of 219 words tested.

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