
Progressive shifts of holding potential (Vh) in crayfish giant axons, from -140 to -70 mV, reduce gating currents seen in depolarizing steps (to 0 mV test potential) while proportionately increasing gating currents in hyperpolarizing steps (to -240 mV). The resulting sigmoid equilibrium charge distribution (Q-Vh curve) shows an effective valence of 1.9e and a midpoint of -100 mV. By contrast, Q-V curves obtained using hyperpolarizing and/or depolarizing steps from a single holding potential, change their "shape" depending on the chosen holding potential. For holding potentials at the negative end of the Q-Vh distribution (e.g., -140 mV), negligible charge moves in hyperpolarizing pulses and the Q-V curve can be characterized entirely from depolarizing voltage steps. The slope of the resulting simple sigmoid Q-V curve also indicates an effective valence of 1.9e. When the axon is held at less negative potentials significant charge moves in hyperpolarizing voltage steps. The component of the Q-V curve collected using hyperpolarizing pulses shows a significantly reduced slope (approximately 0.75e) by comparison with the 1.9e slope found using depolarizing pulses or from the Q-Vh curve. As holding potential is shifted in the depolarizing direction along the Q-Vh curve, an increasing fraction of total charge movement must be assessed in hyperpolarizing voltage steps. Thus charge moving in the low slope component of the Q-V curve increases as holding potential is depolarized, while charge moving with high apparent valence decreases proportionately. Additional results, together with simulations based on a simple kinetic model, suggest that the reduced apparent valence of the low slope component of the Q-V curve results from gating charge immobilization occurring at holding potential. Immobilization selectively retards that fraction of total charge moving in hyperpolarizing pulses. Misleading conclusions, as to the number and valence of the gating particles, may therefore be derived from Q-V curves obtained by other than depolarizing pulses from negative saturated holding potentials.

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