
The ion source for the spallation neutron source (SNS) is a radio-frequency, multicusp source designed to deliver 45 mA of H− to the SNS accelerator with a pulse length of 1 ms and repetition rate of 60 Hz. A total of three ion sources have been fabricated and commissioned at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and subsequently delivered to the SNS at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The ion sources are currently being rotated between operation on the SNS accelerator, where they are involved in ongoing efforts to commission the SNS LINAC, and the hot spare stand (HSS), where high-current tests are in progress. Commissioning work involves operating the source in a low duty-factor mode (pulse width ∼200 μs and repetition rate ∼5 Hz) for extended periods of time while the high-current tests involve source operation at full duty-factor of 6% (1 ms/60 Hz). This report discusses routine performance of the source employed in the commissioning role as well as the initial results of high-current tests performed on the HSS.

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