
The subject of the work is the assessment of the performance of the legislature, regulatory agencies, and the development of the Polish telecommunications market in recent years. It focuses on the preparation of the Polish telecommunications for operating within the extended European Union after May 1, 2004. The legal regulations in force in the years 2001–2004 and the results of their application are reviewed. The activity of the regulatory agency and the impact of its decisions on the market are also assessed. An attempt is made to identify the reasons for the alarmingly delayed development of the Polish market and to explain why its condition is much worse than in other acceding states. Finally, the work discusses the legal solutions for implementing the EU new regulatory framework for electronic communications new regulatory framework for electronic communications, which were recently the subject matter of a legislative debate in the Polish Parliament (adopted in July 2004), and the prospects of the Polish telecommunications market in the context of Poland’s accession to the EU.KeywordsMobile OperatorElectronic CommunicationTelecommunication ServiceUniversal ServiceTelecommunication SectorThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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