
The purpose of this study was to investigate string and orchestra programs in Kansas public schools. Website searches were conducted of all 285 Kansas public school districts for evidence of orchestra programs and names and contacts of teachers. A survey was administered to all known string and orchestra teachers in Kansas (N=150). A total of 67 participants fully completed the survey for a response rate of 45%. Data were collected on the prevalence of school districts with orchestra programs, the number of orchestra teachers employed in the state, demographic profiles of orchestra teachers, orchestra program information, and recent changes to programs. Approximately 13% of school districts in Kansas had string or orchestra programs during the 2012-2013 school year. As a whole, the data indicate that Kansas string and orchestra teachers and programs are very similar to those on a national level. This study provides an easily replicable methodological model and survey instrument that could be used by any state, with limited changes, to collect similar data.

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