
Abstact In order to provide scientific basis for the comprehensive pest management in tea garden, the status of the main natural enemies, Tetragnatha squamata and T. maxillosa in their prey on neutral insects, mosquitoes and mayflies in tea garden from spring to summer was verified. The quantity, temporal and spatial relationships of mosquitoes, mayflies, five main pests and T. squamata, T. maxillosa were analyzed by angle cosine coefficient, temporal niche similarity coefficient and the ranges of spatial dependence of theoretical model of semivariogram in geostatistics. The assay was conducted in Huangshan large-leafed tea gardens in 2013 and 2014, Anji white tea gardens in 2014 and 2015, and, Wuniuzao and Baihaozao tea gardens. The results showed that the top three preys, Monolepta hieroglyhpica, thrips and mosquitoes, had a close relationship with two types of natural enemies. The top three preys had a close relationship with T. squamata, mayflies were the sixth. The top three prey M. hieroglyhpica, thrips and mosquitoes had a close relationship with T. maxillosa. Neutral insects, mosquitoes were the main prey of the potential natural enemies, T. squamata and T. maxillosa from March to May in tea gardens, mayflies were the fifth to sixth. There was no significant difference in the individuals of mosquitoes in different tea gardens.

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