
In spite of developments in robotic field, still a mobile autonomous robotics is an infantile field and its roots comprise many engineering & science disciplines. This article intends to propose an architectural system for navigation in autonomous mobile robot and Thereby avoiding obstacles in indoor and outdoor environment. Various autonomous mobile robot systems have been used recently in grounds as assorted as rescue and monitoring works. In this article by exploration, we specifically mean monitoring. Indeed a mobile autonomous robot could explore either indoor or outdoor environment, while dealing with many human faces. Our limited design not only shuns them while navigating, but also helps sensing faces and stores into a database. A mobile autonomous robot may gain some new capabilities like adjusting approaches for achieving its goals or adapting to changing surrounding. Therefore, an autonomous robot still entails regular maintenance, as do other machines. Our used algorithm is described in two simple features. Primary is the motion model, where emphasis is to avoid obstacle at different speeds and secondary is exploration model, which predominantly detects human faces while moving at a secure speed. The techniques used in this article have been successfully implemented on an efficient unmanned ground platform.

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