
The development of Western Siberia is one of the most large-scale scientific and production and socio-economic projects of the country in the 20th century. The state approach, scientific justification, production of necessary equipment, organization of transport and geological exploration work were linked into a single complex project of Union scale. Main Department of oil and gas exploration was organized in the Ministry of geology of USSR, and on January 15, 1948 there was signed an order on organization of the first oil exploratory expedition in Tyumen. In January 1950, the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR adopted a master plan for the study and development of the West Siberian plate, including the placement on its territory of 26 anchor wells, regional seismic profiles, and carrying out prospecting in the area of anchor wells. As a result, gas fields were discovered in the Berezovsky area, and a few years later, Shaimskoye, Megionskoye, and Ust-Balykskoye oil fields were discovered. Efficient organization of works and state approach enabled to discover in a short time large oil reserves in Shirochnoye Priobie and unique natural gas reserves in the north of Western Siberia. In December 1963, a special Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers was adopted to prepare for pilot production of the fields, to create an infrastructure for the development of geology and oil production, as well as scientific research and industrial institutes. The achievements of geologists provided the necessary basis for the creation of the largest fuel and energy complex. Social and economic development of the region and the country as a whole was associated with it.

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