
To determine a role of changes in the oropharyngeal microbiome in the development and clinical manifestations of migraine. Seventy patients with migraine, aged 21-56 years, and 15 healthy subjects matched for age and sex were examined using headache diary, MIDAS and VAS, the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS), microbiological smear examination from the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the oropharynx with evaluation by the method of mass spectrometry of microbial markers (MSMM) with determination of 57 microorganisms. The following changes in the oropharynx of individuals with migraine compared with the group of healthy individuals (control group) were found: a) a significant increase in the content of markers of resident (conditionally pathogenic) microorganisms characteristic of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (strepto- and staphylococci); b) the appearance of markers of transient microorganisms normally absent, characteristic of the intestinal microflora (clostridia, gram-negative rods, enterobacteria, anaerobes); c) the appearance of viral markers of cytomegaloviruses, Herpes group, Epstein-Barr; d) a significant decrease in the content of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli). All people with migraine had a history or were found on examination to have chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (sinusitis in 48%, pharyngitis in 43%, tonsillitis in 25% of people), and gastrointestinal diseases. Dyspepsia was the most frequent and pronounced of the gastrointestinal syndromes on the GSRS in people with migraine (87%). This corresponds to the data on the extremely frequent occurrence of IBS (70% of patients) and other gastrointestinal pathology obtained from the patient history. In our work, the microbiota of the oropharynx in patients with migraine was studied for the first time using a new MSMM method. Disturbance of the oropharyngeal microbiome compared to the norm was detected in 100% of people with migraine. The changes characteristic of most patients included a significant decrease in the content of normal flora, an increase in the concentration of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms and the appearance of pathogenic microflora characteristic of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, which may indicate their role in the pathogenesis of migraine.

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