
Introduction. Improvement of perinatal care in Ukraine has led to a decrease in early neonatal mortality, but a decrease in antenatal losses has not occurred. In the structure of antenatal fetal death (AFD), congenital malformations (CM) account for about one fifth of reproductive losses and their percentage increases annually. A frequent complication during pregnancy with CM is placental dysfunction (PD), which occurs according to different authors in 19-69%. Primary dysfunction of the placenta with CM has a progressive nature, the consequence of which is AFD in various periods of pregnancy.The aim of the study - to reduce the frequency of antenatal fetal death in women with CM based on the determination of Doppler blood flow indicators in the feto-placental complex (FPC) and their timely delivery. Materials and Methods. The state of the feto-placental complex was monitored in 100 pregnant women with CM of the fetus in the period of 37-40 weeks of pregnancy. Studies were conducted in the uterine arteries (UA), umbilical arteries (UA), mid-cerebral artery (MCA) and fetal aorta (FA) with the definition of indicators of resistance index (RI), systolic-diastolic ratio (SDR) and pulse index (PI) . The control group (CG) consisted of 25 pregnant women, who gave birth to healthy children. The results of the study and their discussion. Examination and dynamic observation of 100 pregnant women with CM of the fetus allowed us to diagnose PD in the overwhelming number of pregnant women (41 pregnant - 41%), who manifested manifestations of fetal distress at 8.0 ± 2.71%, FGR at 29.76 ± 4.46% and FGR in combination with shallow water 3.24 ± 0.91%. For the purpose of a detailed analysis of the possible mechanisms of antenatal tanathogenesis, the patients were divided into two groups - with impaired blood flow in the FPC (OG1 - 41 pregnant) and without them (OG2 - 59 pregnant). It was pregnant OG1 that had manifestations of PD (distress, FGR and combination of FGR with low water). This separation allowed us to see the following picture of blood flow disorders.Analysis of the Doppler indices in UA showed that there is an increase in SDR in both UA, while the RI did not have a significant difference compared with CG and pregnant MG2. However, the correlation analysis did not indicate the presence of a relationship between blood flow disorders in UA and antenatal fetal death, which does not allow considering blood flow disorders in UA as stage of antenatal tanathogenesis.In pregnant MG1, a significantly higher RI index was found in UA compared with CG and MG2. PI did not have a significant difference compared with CG and pregnant women withCDF without PD. An analysis of blood flow in the MCA revealed a significant decrease in PI in pregnant MG1. A significant decrease in peripheral resistance to blood flow in the MCA can be a compensatory response to the deterioration of the fetal-placental blood circulation and is considered as indirect sign of brain congestion (the phenomenon of centralized blood flow). Analysis of the Doppler parameters in the AP testified to an increase in RI compared with the CG. An increase in RI in the aorta of the fetus may indicate a strain on the fetal heart during PD and may be a marker of the formation of congenital cardiomegaly in them.Conclusions. With CM of the fetus in combination with PD, deeper disturbances are observed in the utero-placental and placental-fetal complexes. In-time diagnosis of impaired blood flow allows in-time delivery of women with CM and reducing the risk of AFD.


  • The state of the fetoplacental complex was monitored in 100 pregnant women with congenital malformations (CM) of the fetus in the period of 37-40 weeks of pregnancy

  • пульсового індексу (ПІ) не мав достовірної різниці у порівнянні із Контрольну групу (КГ) та вагітних із вроджені вади розвитку (ВВР) без плацентарна дисфункція (ПД)

  • Своєчасна діагностика порушень кровоплину дозволяє своєчасно провести розродження жінок із ВВР плода та знизити ризик антенатальної загибелі плода (АЗП)

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Порівняльна характеристика доплерометричних показників кровоплину у ПА

ПІ не мав достовірної різниці у порівнянні із КГ та вагітних із ВВР без ПД. При аналізі кровоплину у СМА виявлено достовірне зниження ПІ (1,32±0,11, р < 0,001) у вагітних ОГ1 Значне зниження периферичного опору кровоплину у СМА може бути компенсаторною реакцією на погіршення плодовоплацентарного кровообігу та вважається скісною ознакою повнокрів’я мозку (феномен централізації кровоплину). Прямою ознакою гіпоксії мозку вважається реєстрація нульового та реверсного кровоплину, що мало місце у 8 (19,5%) вагітних ОГ1. Натомість показники ІР та СДС не мали достовірної різниці у ОГ1 та у ОГ2

Порівняльна характеристика доплерометричних показників кровоплину у СМА
Порівняльна характеристика доплерометричних показників кровоплину в аорті плода
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