
Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have evolving economic relations, but Beijing’s One-China policy, growing global economic and political weight and leverage on its Asian partners have recently raised questions whether the near future brings peaceful reunification or a military operation. This paper aims to analyze the complexities of the most recent developments of the cross-strait relations, including the political positions and economic interests of the most relevant actors in Asia, Japan and South Korea, and Taiwan’s largest global partner interested in containing the rise of China, the United States. Based on a secondary research methodology involving a range of international literature we seek to find similarities and differences in Taiwan’s relations with Seoul and Tokyo, and analyze the level of their possible involvement if Beijing resorts to more assertive moves towards reunification. Recent changes in the PRC’s and the United States’ bilateral and international positions as well as the political stance of the current leadership in Taipei give the topic a specific relevance.

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