
TheArchivesis enjoying a state of good health as an important journal for our specialty. Of the 15 major journals in otolaryngology–head and neck surgery worldwide listed in the Science Citation Index Journal Citation Reports, theArchivesranks first in circulation and first in the frequency with which other authors refer to articles we have published. TheArchivesis read by more otolaryngologists–head and neck surgeons outside the United States (2,580 foreign subscriptions) and by more nonotolaryngologic physicians (1,949) than any other journal in our specialty. In addition, we have 4,878 subscribers who are nonphysicians (audiologists, speech pathologists, organizations, and libraries). Our primary editorial objective is the rapid publication of important, new scientific information. The Editorial Board and associate editors have also adopted other specific goals, including the following: (1) to publish basic science and research information useful in supporting clinical decisions; (2) to provide a forum for the

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