
The article analyzes the topics of dissertation research on gender-based violence, including its types (forms), approved in 2012-2014. The author notes that the problem of gender-based violence and its types (forms), gender discrimination, gender equality in the context of armed conflict (martial law) has not been the subject of comprehensive scientific research.It is concluded that in 2012 1609 dissertation research topics in the specialty 12.00 (Legal Science) were approved, of which 14 topics or 0.87 % were devoted to the problems of gender-based violence, including its forms (types), and gender equality. It was also noted that 9 topics, or 64.3 %, do not have dissertation research in the public domain and one topic does not even have scientific publications. In 2013, 1526 topics were approved, of which 19 topics or 1.25 % were devoted to the problems of gender-based violence, including its forms (types), and gender equality. Of the 19 topics, 13 (68.4 %) do not have dissertation research in the public domain, and 2 of the 13 topics do not have scientific publications. In 2014, 1309 topics were approved, 11 of which, or 0.84 %, were devoted to the problems of gender-based violence, including its forms (types), and gender equality; among the 11 topics, 5 (45.5 %) lacked dissertation research in the public domain, and among the 5 topics, 2 lacked scientific publications.It is emphasized that the problem of gender-based violence and its forms (types) is not a relevant topic among Ukrainian scholars, despite the fact that national legislation is being improved (in September 2012, the Law of Ukraine “On the Principles of Preventing and Combating Discrimination in Ukraine” was adopted), which indicates the need for scientific development of this issue, and the proposals of scholars expressed in dissertation research are not implemented in lawmaking.

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