
INDUSTRY'S ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON chemical regulation, held for more than a decade, traditionally has focused almost exclusively on policies related to one U.S. law—the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Extensive discussions by Environmental Protection Agency officials on getting new chemicals to market and on testing older compounds are always a key part of the gathering, hosted by the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association (SOCMA) and the American Chemistry Council (ACC). But international issues, most notably the European Union's proposed Registration, Evaluation & Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) program, took up a significant share of this year's conference, held March 9—10. Robert H. Donkers, environment counselor at the EU office in Washington, D.C., warned chemical industry representatives that REACH is practically a done deal. He disparaged notions that the new EU chemicals legislation will not be adopted. It will be law, I guarantee, he said. However, he allowed that some deta...

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