
The relevance of the research is determined by the insufficient study of the issues of the history of the pharmacy business. They are often considered as part of the history of medicine, although in Tsarist Russia a lot of laws were issued regulating pharmacy activities. The purpose of the research is to analyze the development of the pharmacy business in the Maykop department at the time of its historical existence as a state unit. The research objectives: on the basis of legislative acts and charters to trace the legal regulation of the pharmacy business of the Maykop department; to explore existing types of pharmacies; to study the state of health of the population, the personalities of pharmacists and pharmacy assistants on the basis of the texts of archival documents. The research methods: source study, historical-typological, comparative, statistical ones. The formation of the pharmacies of the Maykop department occurred according to the laws of the Russian Empire. At the time of the formation of the department, there were only two free pharmacies in the city of Maykop. Later in more than 20 villages rural pharmacies and pharmacy stores were opened which provided the population with medicines. These pharmacies in most cases belonged to pharmacists or pharmacy assistants with a pharmaceutical education who own normal pharmacies in Maykop. The Soviet government, repealed the laws of the Russian Empire and expropriated pharmacies. With the liquidation of free pharmacies, the supply of medicines became an exclusively state affair.

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