
As an important contributor to Louisiana’s economy, the commercial freshwater fisheries have been the subject of growing attention in recent years by resource managers as the industry appears to be on the brink of collapse. Fewer participants are entering the field, fish buyers and processors are closing, and market prices remain stagnant. To better understand this industry, we conducted a study to characterize the commercial freshwater fisheries in Louisiana including the fishermen, the fishing operations, the effort across the state, local knowledge on management issue and barriers and opportunities for the future of the industry. We completed structured interviews at fish houses across Louisiana. The average full-time fisherman was 56 years old with about 34 years of commercial fishing experience, and catfish (Ictaluridae spp.) and buffalo (Ictobius spp.) appear to be the most sought-after finfish; however, this slightly differs by region. Overall, this study provides in-depth insight into the trends, problems, and successes of Louisiana’s freshwater commercial fisheries. This information will allow managers and other groups like cooperative extension to identify and design opportunities for the industry and utilize their information in management across the state.

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