
During the first fifty years of the American Economic Association (AEA), its leaders considered the teaching of economics to be an important subject for discussion and debate. AEA founders set as a goal ... to educate public opinion about economic questions and economic literature (Elton Hinshaw and Siegfried, 1991 p. 373). During the last 50 years, AEA leaders have largely ceded questions on teaching to specialists. In 1955, the Association created the Committee on Economic Education (CEE) and charged it with improving the status of economic within the profession, stimulating and encouraging professional work on economic education, and arranging economics-education sessions at the AEA meetings. The Association later revised the charge to include actively ... improving the quality of economic at all levels, from pre-college to college, adult and general economic education (Hinshaw and Siegfried, 1991). It is time to direct the attention of the entire profession, not just economic specialists, toward the importance of educating a broad spectrum of the public about economics.

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