
The article is devoted to the general-theoretical grounds of the political stability as the base of the social welfare.
 It was found that the transition from the one to another socioeconomic formation not always lead to the progress and positive changes of the quality of social life. The authors say that in reality the welfare of the human and society depends on the evolvement of the scientific and technical progress, technological, productive and economic factors of development, which are based on the stability, given and guaranteed by the state. The state was characterized as the highest value and the most important invention of the humanity, which guarantees peace, safety, welfare and social development with the help of the management and integrating of efforts of separate people. It was found that the role and significance of the state constantly growths, proportionally to the increasing complexity of the social life and necessity to manage its activities. It was emphasized that stability of the state is one of the most important elements of its value, because it guarantees
 the orderly development and normal being of the society.
 It was found that the constitutional monarchy and the presidential republic are the most appropriate forms of government, which ensure stability. The authors say that the domination of the executive power and the authoritarian regime helps to guarantee the stability. The authors emphasize that undemocratic regimes may achieve the high level of efficiency and legitimacy, as it is proved by the previous experience of the etatistic Turkey, USSR, the Third Reich, China, Libya, Belarus, as well as the Napoleonic France and numerous absolute monarchies of the early modern period (France of the epoch of Louis XIV, Russia of the epoch of Peter I and Catherine II, Prussia of the epoch of Frederick II, etc.) and so on.
 The authors criticize the multi-party system, which shows the immaturity of the political system of society, which may lead to the fall of the statehood with the total disarray in the background. It was substantiated that the single-party and two-party system play the important role in the context of the social stability ensure. The authors emphasize on the necessity of the establishment of the simple-majority single-ballot system to ensure the formation of the two-party system, etc.

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