
view Abstract Citations (144) References (47) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS The Starburst Ring around the Seyfert Nucleus in NGC 7469 Wilson, A. S. ; Helfer, T. T. ; Haniff, C. A. ; Ward, M. J. Abstract We present high-resolution radio continuum, optical emission line, and optical continuum images of the luminous (~3 x 10^11^ L_sun_ ) Seyfert plus circumnuclear starburst hybrid galaxy NGC 7469. The radio images reveal a compact (0.1"-0.2" ~ 30-60 pc) source associated with the Seyfert nucleus plus a broken ring of emission centered on it with diameter 3" (~1.0 kpc), both these radio components being nonthermal in origin. The distribution of the flux ratio [O III]λ5007/Hα+[N II]λλ 6548, 6584 over the central 3 kpc reflects a mixture of Seyfert- and H II region-like excited gas. The present images and a recent speckle masking image by Hofmann, Mauder, & Weigelt reveal optical continuum features associated with the radio ring. We suggest that the star-burst ring in NGC 7469 has resulted from a gas ring formed through bar-forcing at a dynamical (probably inner Lindblad) resonance. Current starburst models can account for both the far infrared and the nonthermal radio emission if the supernova rate is ~1 per year. Models in which Seyfert nuclei are fueled through inflow of gas associated with bar- or oval distortion-driven resonances, on scales ranging from galaxy wide (tens of kpc) to circumnuclear (<500 pc), are supported by these results. The putative stellar bar and individual supernovae in the ring may be detectable through high-resolution, near- infrared imaging. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: November 1991 DOI: 10.1086/170630 Bibcode: 1991ApJ...381...79W Keywords: Galactic Nuclei; Seyfert Galaxies; Starburst Galaxies; H Ii Regions; Radio Sources (Astronomy); Star Formation; Astrophysics; GALAXIES: INDIVIDUAL NGC NUMBER: NGC 7469; GALAXIES: NUCLEI; GALAXIES: SEYFERT; RADIO SOURCES: GALAXIES; STARS: FORMATION full text sources ADS | data products SIMBAD (3) NED (2)

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