
Abstract : The U.S. military has long recognized the imperative of operating in a joint fashion with highly trained units led by competent professional officers. While at the strategic level of war great strides have been made toward integrating the service components of the military instrument of national power, at the operational level only small gains have been made. Joint Pub 3-0 provides the doctrine for the conduct of joint operations. It permits commanders of unified commands to establish Joint Task Forces (JTFs) to accomplish missions with specific, limited objectives. This doctrine provides the combatant commander three options to be used to form a JTF headquarters (HQ). They are the use of a standing JTF (SJTF) HQ (by definition, a committed force); the formation of an ad hoc HQ from various contributors; or the augmentation of a core Service component HQ. Only the SJTF option provides a JTF staff capable of responding to contingency operations with a well-trained staff. Only the functional and geographic Commanders in Chief have the power to correct this serious deficiency in joint warfighting capability.

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