
Stable isotope compositions (δD, δ18O and δ34S) of volcanic lake waters, gas condensates and spring waters from Indonesia, Italy, Japan, and Russia were measured. The spring fluids and gas samples plot in a broad array between meteoric waters and local high-temperature volcanic gas compositions. The δD and δ18O data from volcanic lakes in East Indonesia plot in a concave band ranging from local meteoric waters to evaporated fluids to waters heavier than local high-temperature volcanic gases. We investigated isotopic fractionation processes in volcanic lakes at elevated temperatures with simultaneous mixing of meteoric waters and volcanic gases. An elevated lake water temperature gives enhanced kinetic isotope fractionation and changes in equilibrium fractionation factors, providing relatively flat isotope evolution curves in δ18O–δD diagrams. A numerical simulation model is used to derive the timescales of isotopic evolution of crater lakes as a function of atmospheric parameters, lake water temperature and fluxes of meteoric water, volcanic gas input, evaporation, and seepage losses. The same model is used to derive the flux magnitude of the Keli Mutu lakes in Indonesia. The calculated volcanic gas fluxes are of the same order as those derived from energy budget models or direct gas flux measurements in open craters (several 100m3 volcanic water/day) and indicate a water residence time of 1–2decades. The δ34S data from the Keli Mutu lakes show a much wider range than those from gases and springs, which is probably related to the precipitation of sulfur in these acid brine lakes. The isotopic mass balance and S/Cl values suggest that about half of the sulfur input in the hottest Keli Mutu lake is converted into native sulfur.

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