
Recently investigations [1 ] , [ 2 ] , [3] have shown that the influence of the f lu id compressibi l i ty on the radial osc i l la t ions and on the translat ional motion of a gas bubble in a l iqu id can be very strong. Without the translat ional motion two d i f ferent cases of osc i l la t ions are possible, the s t r i c t l y spherical ly radial motion and the surface osc i l la t ions. The deviation from the spherical shape is assumed to be small and is given by a spherical harmonic. I t is well known that the shape i ns tab i l i t y occurs when the sound-pressure amplitude exeeds a threshold value that depends on the bubble radius and the acoustic frequency. Included in the theoretical model are the ef fect of surface tension and the compressi b i l i t y of the l iqu id and of the gas. S tab i l i t y conditions for the shape osc i l la tions are given.

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