
In mammals, the caudal vertebrae are certainly among the least studied elements of their skeleton. However, the tail plays an important role in locomotion (e.g., balance, prehensility) and behavior (e.g., signaling). Previous studies largely focused on prehensile tails in Primates and Carnivora, in which certain osteological features were selected and used to define tail regions (proximal, transitional, distal). Interestingly, the distribution pattern of these anatomical characters and the relative proportions of the tail regions were similar in both orders. In order to test if such tail regionalization can be applied to Rodentia, we investigated the caudal vertebrae of 20 Sciuridae and six Gliridae species. Furthermore, we examined relationships between tail anatomy/morphometry and locomotion. The position of selected characters along the tail was recorded and their distribution was compared statistically using Spearman rank correlation. Vertebral body length (VBL) was measured to calculate the proportions of each tail region and to perform procrustes analysis on the shape of relative vertebral body length (rVBL) progressions. Our results show that tail regionalization, as defined for Primates and Carnivora, can be applied to almost all investigated squirrels, regardless of their locomotor category. Moreover, major locomotor categories can be distinguished by rVBL progression and tail region proportions. In particular, the small flying squirrels Glaucomys volans and Hylopetes sagitta show an extremely short transitional region. Likewise, several semifossorial taxa can be distinguished by their short distal region. Moreover, among flying squirrels, Petaurista petaurista shows differences with the small flying squirrels, mirroring previous observations on locomotory adaptations based on their inner ear morphometry. Our results show furthermore that the tail region proportions of P. petaurista, phylogenetically more basal than the small flying squirrels, are similar to those of bauplan-conservative arboreal squirrels.

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