
Abstract. The article has been devoted to the assessment of the impact of the spreading of the small business on the position of the employees in the relationship of the distribution of the added value.
 It has been researched how the potential of the small business as for the mitigation of the negative social consequences of the deterioration of the macroeconomic situation has been realized in the different types of the economic activity.
 As the indicator of the spreading of the small business, the part of the small business in the general number of the employees has been used. As the indicator for the assessment of the position of the employees, it is the part of the wages consisting of the added value. The limitation of the domestic statistics does not allow modeling the dependence of these indicators neither with the help of the constructing of the panel (the necessary data is available only for ten types of the economic activity) nor the dynamic database (the data is available only from 2012 to 2015). Accordingly, we have resorted to the grouping of the types of the economic activity using the average of the geometric tempos of the growth of both indicators.
 For 2012 and 2015, the dramatic reduction of the part of the value for the wages in the complex of the added value of the economy as a whole and all, except only one of the types of the economic activities has been taken place in the Ukrainian economy. Such tendency suggests that the burden of the deterioration of the macroeconomic dynamics puts, mainly, on the employees, the recipients of the wages, depriving the domestic economy of the important sources of the resources for the investing in the development of the human capital.
 Using as the indicator of the spreading of the small business of its part in the general number of the employees, we haven’t got the empirical confirmation that the growth of the part of the small business in the structure of the employment improves the economic situation of the employees as for the proportion of the distribution of the added costs value (the growth of the part of the value on the wages in the complex of the added value of the generated types of the economic activity). Accordingly, we consider that in itself the redistribution of the general number of the employees in favor of the small business is not a sufficient condition for the improving of the features of the conditions of the reproduction of the personal resources of the Ukrainian economy. The results of the research haven’t confirmed the positive impact of the spreading of the small business on the realization of the economic interests of the employees in the process of the distribution of the added value between the wages and other elements.


  • The structural changes in the Ukrainian economy have been activated by the national economy adaptation to negative macroeconomic dynamics and complicated political and military processes of recent years

  • Estimating the social consequences of these processes and the formation of a wellbalanced state regulatory policy require an understanding of the connection between such structural changes — on the one hand, and the characteristics of resolving one of the basic contradictions of any economy — the contradiction in the distribution of value added generated by the national production between different factor incomes — on the other

  • If the expansion of small business is accompanied by growing the wage share in value added, such structural changes may be considered as a factor improving the basic conditions for the salaried employment’s interests realization and, as a factor contributing to the alignment of income’s factor distribution and in such way creating the prerequisites for expanding the investment into human capital, opening up the opportunities for innovative development of the national business

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The structural changes in the Ukrainian economy have been activated by the national economy adaptation to negative macroeconomic dynamics and complicated political and military processes of recent years. The complicated interaction between large and small businesses is investigated by modern Ukrainian and world scientific literature at first — in the context of researching the conditions and mechanisms, providing forthcoming of production scale to the optimal level and role of market structure in these processes. Such researches are focused on problems finding the optimum compromise between the conflicting priorities of industries structure. It is important to consider that using the 2015 year as a basic for comparing the performs of subsequent years, leads to their overestimating and may create a precondition for recognition the stagnation or recovery and return to earlier achieved positions as a dynamic growth

Administrative and support services
The dynamics Growing
Scenarios of small business
All types of enterprises
Decrease in the share
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