
The secret of the formation and development of the human personality, its metaphysical foundations and spiritual foundations belongs to those philosophical questions, the search for answers to which continues for centuries, and each historical epoch dictates new views and actualizes the most pressing problems. Today, one can notice a trend that is disappointing for humanity: the more confidently the technogenic-industrial sphere moves forward, the more noticeable features the alienation of a person from his deep life meanings, valuable, spiritual foundations acquires. Amid the noise of the surrounding information flow, indecipherable consumption of mass culture products, wandering through the labyrinths of virtual reality, a person eventually falls into an information vacuum, an artificially created bubble, in the middle of which people like her are doomed to imprisonment. , faceless individuals with standard opinions and interests, subordinated to systematic pre-written patterns of "equalized society". Such a personality loses the internal orientation that forms an adequate, mature, capable of analysis and critical thinking vision of the surrounding reality. Reality is presented through images and symbols of someone else's mediated view, information already processed in its own way, which is offered in a ready-made form. This is a simplified version of data consumption that does not involve the work of neural connections, which significantly saves energy, and the brain quickly forms a habit of consuming this informational fast food. Mass culture gives birth to a mass person with a balanced character, who does not appear to the world, no different from others. All he wants is to maintain the position "like everyone else", not to stand out, to be neither worse nor better than others. Creativity is an act of manifestation of freedom of action and thinking, the result of which is the creation of a new product of material or spiritual significance, an integral part of which is the imprint of the creator's personality. From the texts of the Holy Scriptures, we know that each created person is the final result of Divine creativity, and each creation is a reflection of God the Creator on Earth, the bearer of the divine spark of creativity laid by the Most High. Contemplating the genius creations of Michelangelo or da Vinci, admiring the paintings of Monet and Van Gogh, one can have no doubt that these masterpieces are a reflection of supernatural beauty, creative divine nature. Thus, in art we find the archetype of our world: touching or contemplating works of art not only trains the eye to see the beautiful in details, but also helps to expand the range of world perception, to form an artistic taste for life.

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