
We give two global integrals that unfold to a non-unique model and represent the partial Spin $L$-function on ${\rm PGSp}_6$. We deduce that for a wide class of cuspidal automorphic representations $\pi$, the partial Spin $L$-function is holomorphic except for a possible simple pole at $s=1$, and that the presence of such a pole indicates that $\pi$ is an exceptional theta lift from ${\rm G}_2$. These results utilize and extend previous work of Gan and Gurevich, who introduced one of the global integrals and proved these facts for a special subclass of these $\pi$ upon which the aforementioned model becomes unique. The other integral can be regarded as a higher rank analogue of the integral of Kohnen-Skoruppa on ${\rm GSp}_4$.

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