
Abstract NuSTAR observed the black hole candidate XTE J1908+094 during its 2013 and 2019 outbursts. We use relativistic reflection to measure the spin of the black hole through 19 different assumptions of relxill flavors and parameter combinations. The most favored model in terms of the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) measures the spin of the black hole to be a = 0.55 − 0.45 + 0.29 , and the inclination to be θ = 27 − 3 + 2 degrees (1σ statistical errors). We look at the effects of coronal geometry assumptions and the density of the accretion disk on the spin prediction. All 19 tested models provide consistent spin estimates. We discuss the evolution of spin measurement techniques using relativistic reflection in X-ray binaries and discuss the implications of this spin measurement in reconciling the distributions of stellar-mass black hole spin measurements made through X-ray and gravitational wave observations.

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