
The author’s approach to defining the range of land-related and ground-related phenomena based on administrative law is proposed in the article. The availability of subject authority power relations in the structure and the fulfillment of relevant functions is the main criterion for the separation of such relations. The expediency of using the term “sphere of land relations” as those arising in connection with the exercise of power by the executive authorities and bodies of local self-government is validated and the subject of the relations is land, ground area, rights to them, as well as objects and subjects derived from them.
 Land relations are one of the largest in volume masses regulated by the norms of public relations law where an absolute majority of both private and public entities are involved. However, due to the diversity of such entities and differences in their legal status, the legal regulation of land relations uses the methods inherent in both civil and administrative law. In addition, in terms of the land law the existence of its own legal regulation method is emphasized.
 A great deal of research has been devoted to the issues of administrative and legal regulation of land relations, in particular by such scientists as E. Gladkova, M. Kovalsky, V. Pakhomov, M. Shulga, O. Nevmerzhitsky, D. Busuyok and others. Relevant papers from the administrative law point of view emphasize that a great part of the relations which have the subject of land and the phenomena connected with the ground are covered by the subject of administrative law.
 The aim of this article is to determine the range boundaries of land-related and ground-related phenomena that are regulated by administrative law.
 Taking into account the normative definition peculiarities of the “land relations” concept content in order to make scientific research, it is more correct to use the term “administrative and legal regulation in the field of land relations” in comparison with the term “administrative and legal regulation of land relations”. The term “sphere of land relations”, in our opinion, should be understood as a set of relations, which in addition to land includes relations arising in connection with the exercise of power by executive authorities and local governments and the subject of these relations is land, ground area, rights to them, and subjects and objects derived from them.


  • The article presents the result of comparative analysis of the normative regulation of relations in the field of viticulture and winemaking in Ukraine and Moldova

  • The research is based on comparison of the Law of Ukraine “On Grapes and Grape Wine” and the Law of the Republic of Moldova “On Grapes and Wine”

  • Чітка прив’язка відносин, що виникають у зв’язку з управлінням земельними ресурсами, державним регулюванням у сфері раціонального використання земель та їх охорони, забезпеченням державного контролю у цих сферах до владно-розпорядчої діяльності органів виконавчої влади та органів місцевого самоврядування, обумовлює їх належність до предмета адміністративного права, а відтак – і до предмета адміністративно-правового регулювання

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У тому числі й фахівців із земельного права, державне управління в галузі земельних відносин можна визначити як організаційно-правову діяльність уповноважених органів державної влади із використанням безпосереднього впливу, спрямовану на забезпечення раціонального використання, охорони та відтворення земель відповідно до вимог земельного законодавства України[5].

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