
A holographic duality was recently established between an mathcal{N} = 4 non-geometric AdS4 solution of type IIB supergravity in the so-called S-fold class, and a three- dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) defined as a limit of mathcal{N} = 4 super-Yang-Mills at an interface. Using gauged supergravity, the mathcal{N} = 2 conformal manifold (CM) of this CFT has been assessed to be two-dimensional. Here, we holographically characterise the large-N operator spectrum of the marginally-deformed CFT. We do this by, firstly, providing the algebraic structure of the complete Kaluza-Klein (KK) spectrum on the associated two-parameter family of AdS4 solutions. And, secondly, by computing the mathcal{N} = 2 super-multiplet dimensions at the first few KK levels on a lattice in the CM, using new exceptional field theory techniques. Our KK analysis also allows us to establish that, at least at large N, this mathcal{N} = 2 CM is topologically a non-compact cylindrical Riemann surface bounded on only one side.


  • A holographic duality was recently established between an N = 4 nongeometric AdS4 solution of type IIB supergravity in the so-called S-fold class, and a threedimensional conformal field theory (CFT) defined as a limit of N = 4 super-Yang-Mills at an interface

  • This conformal manifold (CM) is dual to a certain two-parameter family of N = 2 AdS4 solutions of type IIB supergravity

  • These type IIB duals are only known as AdS vacua of D = 4 N = 8 supergravity with [SO(6) × SO(1, 1)] R12 gauging — by the consistency of the IIB truncation to the above D = 4 N = 8 gauging [16], all such vacua are guaranteed to uplift to ten-dimensional solutions

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The holographic conformal manifold

We are interested in the N = 2 CM of the three-dimensional N = 4 CFT at large-N described in [17] This CM is dual to a certain two-parameter family of N = 2 AdS4 solutions of type IIB supergravity. Our parameters are related to those in [28] as χhere = χthere and e−2φhere = 12 (1 + φ2there) This local family of AdS vacua parameterised by (φ, χ) was proposed in [28] as the holographic CM of the N = 4 CFT of [17] at large N. When restricted to this twodimensional surface, the N = 8 non-linear sigma model on E7(7)/SU(8) gives rise to the leading contribution to the Zamolodchikov metric on the CM [28]. See figure 1 for a visual summary of the CM

KK towers on the two-parameter S-fold family
Algebraic structure of the complete spectrum
Spectrum on the upper boundary
Spectrum on Family III
Spectrum at generic points on the interior
Type IIB uplift of Family III
Final comments
A Ancillary files: numerical spectrum across the CM
B Further details on the KK spectra
KK mass matrices
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