
Seven cases of mild to severe colitis after the oral or parenteral administration of lincomycin or clindamycin were observed in previously healthy subjects. One subject presented a history of a similar but milder illness after an exposure to lincomycin 2 years earlier. Mild reactions were characterized by bloodless, watery diarrhea without fever or leukocytosis and minimal proctoscopic and radiological findings. Severe illness was associated with severe abdominal discomfort, fever, marked leukocytosis and proctoscopic and roentgenographic evidence of severe mucosal ulceration, and pseudomembrane and pseudopolyp formation. After a prolonged clinical course of supportive management, all patients returned to normal health with reversal of the proctoscopic and roentgenographic abnormalities. No recurrence of symptoms has been noted during follow-up periods of several months to 3 years.

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