
We have evaluated the incidence of lupus erythematosus (LE)-specific skin disease in 186 patients with LE, seen retrospectively over a 10-year period at our Dermatology Department and determined the correlation of LE-nonspecific skin disease in patients with systemic involvement. Chronic cutaneous LE (CCLE) with classical discoid lesions (localized, 70%; generalized, 30%) was the most common cutaneous manifestation (72.5%). Subacute cutaneous LE (SCLE) represented only 8% of LE skin disease (annular-polycyclic type, 73%; papulo-squamous type, 27%). Acute cutaneous LE (ACLE) was detected in 15% of our patients: the butterfly erythema was the most frequent skin lesion (96%) while only one case of bullous LE and one case of widespread maculo-papular eruption in association with malar erythema were demonstrated. In 8 patients no LE-specific skin lesions (lupus sine lupo) were found. LE-nonspecific skin lesions were found in 31% of our patients with systemic LE (SLE): Raynaud's phenomenon was found in 23/58 (39.6%), cutaneous small vessel leukocytoclastic vasculitis in 8/58 (13.7%), nonscarring alopecia in 18/58 (31%), lupus pernio in 6/58 (10.3%), hemorrhagic lesions in 4/58 (6.8%), livedo reticularis in 5/58 (8.6%), mucosal ulcers in 3/58 (5.1%) and periungual telangiectasia in 12/58 (20.6%) SLE patients. LE-nonspecific skin lesions are detected only in patients with SLE and usually in the active phases of the disease.

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