
In order to understand the recycling and emission processes of deuterium atoms, spectral profiles of the line emitted from the divertor region of JT-60U have been observed with a high-resolution spectrometer and analysed by simulation with a three-dimensional neutral particle transport code. The profile has been explained as composed of narrow and broad components; the narrow component is attributed to dissociative excitation and electron collisional excitation of the atoms produced by dissociation, and the broad component is attributed to electron collisional excitation of the atoms produced by reflection and charge exchange. In low-density plasmas, the simulated line profile agrees reasonably well with that observed, although the component attributed to the atoms reflected at the divertor tiles is overestimated by a factor of about two. Dissociative excitation from deuterium molecules and molecular ions plays an important role for the line intensity. The ratio of the line intensity to the deuterium atom flux for high-energy deuterium atoms, which are produced by the reflection and charge exchange, is reduced, because the fast atoms readily escape from the divertor plasma. The width of the narrow component in a low-density case corresponds to a temperature of deuterium atoms of 1.3 eV, and that in a high-density case corresponds to a temperature of 2.2 eV.

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