
The subject of the study is the specifics of the functioning of the pronoun "we" in the self-presentation of authors and presenters of modern podcasts. The object of the study is a semantic shift in the profile of this pronoun, due to the increasing popularity of the podcast as a genre. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the differentiation of the inclusive and exclusive pronoun "we" and the distinction within the inclusive meaning of extended and nuclear inclusiveness. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of extended inclusion in various podcasts and tracing the trend of expansion of this form in the speech of the presenter. The texts of various podcasts focused on children and youth audience are considered. The main conclusion of the study is the statement of the increasing role of the extended inclusive semantic version of "we" in modern Russian media, as well as the distinction according to linguistic criteria between the genre of podcast and radio. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the analysis of the contexts of the use of the pronoun "we" and its derivatives in modern podcasts and the generalization of the patterns of its use. The novelty of the research lies in the study of changes in the semantic profile of the pronoun "we" on the example of podcasting: previously, such studies were conducted only in relation to children's radio shows, podcasts, despite their increasing popularity with the audience, are practically not analyzed in terms of linguistic content and influence on the linguistic landscape of the modern Russian language.

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