
The process of formation of a modern architectural school in Algeria, which took place during the last third of the 19th and 20th centuries, and led to the emergence of new approaches and principles in the field of its application, is considered. The article presents the results of a historical analysis of the evolution of the educational model of Algeria in the field of architecture, which depended on the political and socio-cultural influence of the metropolis on the development of the architectural knowledge of the colonial region. The author also considers the paths along which the formation of architectural education and its formation at the beginning of the 20th century took place during the late 19th century. It is analyzed that the training of Algerian architects during the French colonization took place within the local culture, which affected the further independent direction of the development of the architectural school of Algeria. It is analyzed that the architectural education of Algeria since the signing of the Evian Agreements is associated with the nature of the activities of architects and the expectations from their preparation, a combination of artistic ability and constructive technical knowledge. The article examines the influence of modernism as a social project, reflecting the advanced social reformist ideas of its time, on the rethinking of the professional training of architects in Algeria. The contribution of the leading representatives of modernist architecture to the renewal of the artistic language of architecture in Algeria is also considered: the social attitudes of modernist architects contributed to the principled attitude towards novelty in architecture and architectural education.


  • The article presents the results of a historical analysis of the evolution

  • The author also considers the paths along which the formation of architectural education

  • It is analyzed that the training of Algerian architects

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Анотація: Розглянуто процес формування сучасної архітектурної школи в Алжирі, який відбувався протягом останьої третини ХІХ та ХХ століть та призвів до виникнення нових підходів й принципів у сфері його застосування. Починая з 1881 року школа образотворчих мистецтв в Алжирі (l’École des beaux-arts d’Alger) отримала статус національної та включила в свій состав архітектурну майстерню, програма якої стала основою архітектурної моделі освіти, що розвивалася в залежності від політичного контексту країни.

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