
THE first step in any attcmpt a t a theoretical cvaluation of the specific heats of crystals is to determine the natura of the disturbancc in their structurc produced by the thermal agitation. In an earlier publication 1 and moro fully again in the address to the Confcrence of Nobel Laureates hcld at Lindau in June 1956 which was printed in these Proceedings, 2 this problem was discussed. A general theory of the specific heats of crystals embodying the ideas expressed in those memoirs has since bcen formulated and publ ished) The theory leads to a detcrmination of the spectroscopic br of crystals and simultaneously with it to an expression for their specific heats a s a function of the temperature. The success of the theory in achieving thesc aims has been demonstrated by a sei of fully worked-out examples and a compai with the facts of experimcnt. 4

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