
The literature on forest birds in New Zealand is examined to see if the consequences of forest modification can be predicted. Forty‐four samples of birds, from North, South, and Stewart Islands, are classified according to four habitats of origin: virgin forest, modified forest, exotic forest, and suburban bush and gardens. An index of bird species diversity (BSD) is calculated for comparison, and where possible densities are tabulated. Limited samples from modified forests in Westland suggest that the number of species is relatively smaller but the bird density is higher after modification. There do not seem to be any published quantitative data about birds in Westland exotic forests. Data from the whole of New Zealand show that bird density increases as forest habitats change from virgin, to modified, to exotic, to suburban bush and gardens. BSD and equitability do not differ among these habitats. The number of species of native birds and their diversity decline as the habitat is more extensively altere...

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