
The species compositions and structures of faunas of different Late Pleistocene and Holocene periods from the local natural area of the northeast of the Perm Pre-Urals (Specially Protected Nature Area (SPNA) «Mahnevskie Caves») were reseached. Zoogenic deposits of the Makhnevskaya ledyanaya cave Mahnevskaya-2 cave and Bolshaya Mahnevskaya cave were formed during relatively «warm» periods of the Mikulinsky interglacial, Bryansk megastadial and Subboreal. 61 taxa of mammals lived in this area in various time periods. Only 7 species ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: ТЕОРИЯ И ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТ 77 (Sorex minutus, Sorex araneus, Craseomys rufocanus, Myodes glareolus, Myodes rutilus, Alexandromys oeconomys, Microtus agrestis) are common for the reseached periods. Based on the compositions and structures of mammal faunas of the different time periods, it was found that in the early Late Pleistocene and Middle Holocene, the area surrounding the caves was dominated by broadleaf and coniferous forests, respectively. The open spaces with tundra -steppe vegetation dominated in the middle of the Late Pleistocene.

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