
Vigilance behavior, predator detection abilities, and responses to real and model predators were studied in two species of capuchin monkeys (Cebus albifrons and C. apella) in a Peruvian lowland rain forest. Adult males were more vigilant than adult females in both species, mainly because the males spent less time feeding and foraging and partly because they were at the periphery more often than the females. The increased vigilance of adult males is reflected in their superior performance in the detection of (model) predators. Adult and subadult males were also far more likely to approach and mob real and model predators. Adults that were outside the center of the group increased foraging activities but cut back an feeding, much of which was done in exposed tree crowns. Current theory suggests that primate groups are multi-male when a single male is unable to defend sexual access to the group of females. In these small capuchin groups, which are multimale, the enhanced safety of females and young provided by extra adult males furnishes a more plausible explanation. A comparison of the two capuchins with the ecologically similar Southeast Asian Macaca fascicularis suggests that the high predation risk outside the group may also have caused the unusual male career profile in capuchins, which have a long tenure of dominants and a very long potential lifespan. Further predictions of this hypothesis are developed.

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