
Conditioning Go/NoGo signals, which determine the triggering stimulus conditional value, were presented to healthy adult subjects (n = 35) in the pause between the target (facial expression) and triggering stimuli. The response of the low-frequency α rhythm to conditioning stimuli was more pronounced in the left hemisphere. The coherence of cortical low-frequency alpha potentials increased 5–7 s after presenting both positive and negative conditioning (Go/NoGo) stimuli (i.e., immediately before the triggering stimulus). These data confirm the assumption that the development of differentiation requires not less functional activity than the development of a positive conditional response. The modulation of cortical activity after presenting Go/NoGo stimuli is mediated primarily by the thalamocortical system of selective attention. The coherence of θ rhythm after the presentation of positive conditioning stimuli was more pronounced in the medial cortical areas, which was apparently determined by the emotional memory function.

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