
Colonies of the seed-eating ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus, compete with neighboring colonies for foraging areas. In a conflict over foraging area, what is at stake? This depends on how resources are distributed in time and space: if certain regions consistently provide particularly nutritious seed species, or especially abundant seeds, such regions will be of greater value to a colony. During the summer, seeds were taken from returning foragers in colonies located in 4 different vegetation types. There was no relation between the vegetation currently growing in the foraging area, and the species of seeds collected by ants. During the summer, ants collect mostly seeds produced in previous seasons and dispersed by wind and flooding. In 1991, colonies in all vegetation types collected mostly Bouteloua aristidoides; in 1992, Eriastrum diffusum and Plantago patagonica. There was no relation between colony density and numbers of seeds collected. Seed species collected by ants were compared in different colonies, and on different foraging trails within a colony. The results show that seed patches are distributed on the scale of distances between nests, not the smaller scale of different foraging trails of one colony. It appears that colonies are competing for any space in which to search for seeds, not competing for certain regions of consistently high value.

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