
The Continental Shelf off South Australia is predicted to be a preferred habitat of petroleum. Non-metamorphosed sediments which are known or presumed to extend onto this shelf include Permian, Cretaceous and Cainozoic sediments. A single presumed Permian trough lying seaward of, and sub-parallel to, the Coorong is interpreted (aeromagnetic data) to extend to possibly 4,000 feet. As part of the Permian fossil valley system of central-eastern South Australia is is predicted to be filled by shales and sands with limited marine facies, and by glacigene sediments. The north-south orientation of the trough would require a landmass to the south from which the Permian glaciers originated. Some form of continental drift may be required to satisfy this requirement.An east-west graben or geosyncline (Gambier-Otway Basin) choked with Cretaceous mudstones and sub-greywackes projects across the shelf in the extreme south-east. Landward dips at depth extending well out beneath the shelf, may suggest a southerly boundary to the basin consistent with a pre-existing landmass in this direction.Extensive erosion at the close of Lower Cretaceous times accords with major geological change at least in more southerly shelf areas. Marine sedimentary onlap and overlap become conspicuous elements, and the accumulation of oceanward thickening sedimentary deposits is more in keeping with outbuilding terrace development. A major structural break accordingly is indicated at the end of the Lower Cretaceous, at which time development of the modern continental shelf began.The Murray River had its principal outlets in the extreme south-east zone during mid-Cretaceous to early Tertiary times, but shifted to its present position during late Cainozoic at which time its sediments were swept across the developing shelf south of Kangaroo Island. Thick sedimentary developments in each of these areas provide promising environment for petroleum generation. These are areas of extensive coastal bitumen activity.Principal petroleum prospects are to be expected within the Middle Cretaceous to Tertiary developments, but older Cretaceous and Permian deposits are potentially prospective.

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