
The assessment of biota in rivers is a widely recognised means of determining the condition or ‘health’ of rivers. Benthic macroinvertebrates, in particular, are recognised as valuable organisms for bioassessments, due largely to their visibility to the naked eye, ease of identification, rapid life cycle often based on the seasons and their largely sedentary habits. Numerous bioassessment techniques have been developed over the last three decades, varying in complexity and region of implementation. South Africa has an exemplary history in this field, culminating in the refinement of invertebrate and other techniques and their application in a National River Health Programme. The method presented here is a refinement of the highly successful SASS (South African Scoring System) method developed by Chutter (1994), which forms the backbone of this programme. This paper takes the method to a level where it can, and has been, accredited to ISO standards. The principal changes made include the tighter definition of the technique and the sampling and analytical methods, as well as the introduction of quality control procedures. Some changes have also been made to the list of invertebrates used in this method. Field trials were conducted to test the variability of the method. Of the various indices available to the method, the Average Score per Taxon (ASPT) is the most consistent over all biotopes (lowest CV%). On the other hand, of the biotopes examined the Gravel/Sand/Mud (GSM) combination is the most variable with respect to the SASS Score and number of taxa encountered. The spatial variability on a reach of river with similar water quality characteristics was found to be statistically negligible. However, one generally finds that statistically significant differences occur between the SASS Scores and the number of taxa counted by different operators. The ASPT, on the other hand, is a more consistent and repeatable measure of river health assessment and, within a given reach of river and considering all biotopes, the differences in results produced by different operators were statistically negligible. The results highlight the need for appropriate competency-based training and consistent application of the method.

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