
Several complexes are recognized within the Sora porphyry Cu-Mo deposit: plutonogenic, porphyry (ore-bearing), and dike. They formed since Ordovician till Devonian at the collision, postcollisional, and rift stages of the regional evolution, respectively. Magmatism was manifested at the deposit synchronously with intraplate magmatism, which was widespread within Kuznetsk Alatau and was initiated by the Altai–Sayan mantle plume. In structural position and geochemical characteristics the dike complex is similar to the intraplate complexes in adjacent regions. It formed after the development of the Sora ore-magmatic system including the plutonogenic and porphyry complexes with similar geochemistry and metallogeny. According to the models for the relationship of mantle plumes with ore-magmatic systems, the plutonogenic and porphyry complexes of the Sora deposit developed at the stage of the thermal plume effect on lithosphere, which caused its melting and, as a result, calc-alkalic magmatism. A change of the collision and postcollisional geodynamic regime by the rift one favored the ascent of plume melts, which then participated in the formation of intraplate structures, in particular, the dike complex of the Sora deposit.

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