
These studies were undertaken to characterize the discharge properties of single neurons of the raccoon thalamic ventrobasal complex (VB) that respond to light mechanical stimulation of the glabrous surfaces of the forepaw. Microelectrodes were used to record the extracellular activity of 146 cells in anesthetized raccoons, and all neurons were histologically verified as falling within or along the boundaries of VB. Sixty-one neurons were tested for activation by electrical stimulaton of primarily somatosensory cortex. Of these, 88% were antidromically activated, 5% were synaptically activated, and the remaining 7% were unresponsive. Out of the total sample of 146 neurons, 136 had peripheral receptive fields (RFs) that were restricted to glabrous skin and revealed properties of modality and place-specificity predictable through knowledge of properties of primary mechanoreceptive afferents. Rapidly adapting (RA) neurons accounted for 77% of this modality-place-specific sample, while 19% were slowly adapting (SA), and 4% revealed properties indicative of input from Pacinian afferents (Pc). Absolute displacement thresholds were comparable for RA and SA neurons (range = 6-415 micron). Palmar RF areas (range = 3.3-328 mm2) were significantly larger than digital RF areas (range = 0.5-98.2 mm2). As defined by exponents (b) of power functions relating instantaneous discharge frequency to displacement ramp velocity, SA neurons formed a single, homogeneous group (range of values of b = 0.633-0.720). However, RA neurons fell into three distinct groups: those showing relatively steep functions (b = 0.559-0.938), those showing relatively flat functions (b = 0.146-0.334), and those showing discontinuous, or step, functions. A small number of neurons (7% of total sample) revealed "complex" properties, not predictable from knowledge of properties of primary afferents. These included five neurons whose RFs encompassed both glabrous and hairy skin, and several linear orientation, or "tactile edge," detectors. The present results, in conjunction with those of earlier studies of the raccoon dorsal column-medial lemniscal system, lead to the conclusion that different types of information transformation are emphasized at different levels of the system. Intramodality convergences (increases in RF area) occur primarily within the cuneothalamic relay, while changes in the coding of quantitative information are primarily a function of VB neurons. The appearance of linear orientation detectors--a type of tactile "feature detector"--indicates that the synthesis of information regarding complex spatial properties of stimuli has its beginnings within the somatosensory thalamus.

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