
It is presently believed that the high speed solar wind originates almost entirely in coronal holes. Theory suggests that the origin of the high speeds is extended energy deposition in proportion to the magnetic field intensity in the holes and at 1.5–3.0 solar radii heliocentric distance. Evidence from the time of the Maunder Minimum, together with the above results, allows a hypothesis to be made for the state of the solar wind at that time. Firstly, carbon-14 data indicate an enhanced cosmic ray intensity, with the conclusion that the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) was smooth and perhaps of low intensity. Secondly, the apparent absence of a corona during eclipses requires low coronal density, suggesting an absence of closed magnetic loops. Thirdly, the absence of sunspots eliminates the possibility of a solar maximum type of corona of low emission intensity and implies a low large-scale photospheric field intensity. Finally, the absence of mid-latitude aurorae implies either that the solar wind speed or the IMF intensity or both, were low and not irregular. A resulting self-consistent hypothesis is that the solar wind was of the simplest variety, analogous to that described in models of the so-called “quiet solar wind”. All closed coronal field regions would have been absent and extended energy deposition in the corona would have been far less important than today. At 1 a.u., the density and speed would have been less than 5 cm −3 and 300 km −1s, respectively. At the same time, there would have been a very low level of fluctuation all the way from the microscale up to the contrast between high and low speed solar wind streams. Also, if the IMF is the source of the 22 yr and magnetic sector associated modulations in the present terrestrial climate, these modulations may have been suppressed during the Maunder Minimum. Recently, it has been discovered that the 22 yr modulation in fact was suppressed during the Maunder Minimum (C. Stockton and M. Mitchell, personal communication), in support of the above suggestion.

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