
Landslide in the Manuju District, Gowa Regency on January 23, 2019 had impact on material losses such as damage of residents’ homes, cut off road access by the landslide, and 22 fatalities. The high rainfall at that time and hilly topoghraphy were the factors that triggered the landslide. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the soil in relation to landslides. This research was conducted by field observation of soil characteristics in the landslide area and soil test in the laboratory, namely; textures, C-Organic, and permeability with SPAW method, grain size distribution using ASTM, and shapes grain of soil fraction with the Norbury method. The soil was 20-25 cm depth, granular soil structure, friable consistency, texture dominated by sand, low C-Organic content, moderate hydraulic conductivity, the grain size was subangular. Soil characteristics at the study site showed characteristics that are susceptible to landslides.

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