
years of work in relief and development. The presence of an office and staff within Sudan, some stocks in the UK, good relationships with suppliers and a small but available emergency fund all contributed to the prompt initial assessment of the situation and a rapid response. The Register of Engineers for Disaster Relief (REDR) assisted in recruitment and the technical and administrative team was established. Most NGOs employ permanent and voluntary staff who may vary in professional status and have different experiences of emergencies. For continuity and because of their knowledge of the agency's systems, it seems reasonable that the permanent staff assume leadership. The team leader requires not only engineering expertise but also the wisdom and diplomacy to accept or reject other engineers' ideas. S/he has a vital role of being (and staying) detached from the immediate pressure and trying to retain an overview of the emergency in order to direct individuals and resources effectively. The other engineers must co-operate and accept this authority. The locations for emergency water supply during a drought are likely to be widespread. A base is required, conveniently located for The engineering response to a disaster requires the speedy establishment of a technical and administrative team, a base, lines of communication, a logistical strategy for the supply of materials, plant, equipment and labour, as well as the all-important engineering strategy. To be equipped to respond to any emergency requires immense investment and expense which governments are far more able to sustain than non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The military may be well equipped, fully staffed and available to respond, but its intervention has political implications. It was an NGO, Oxfam, which provided the major water engineering response to the emergency in east Sudan during the 1984-6 drought. Oxfam has a permanent Technical Unit in Oxford with a small but experienced staff and the resource

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