
The Ventersdorp Supergroup (∼2.7 Ga) consists of a thick pile of sedimentary and volcanic units which are widely distributed over a large part of the Kaapvaal craton. At the southwestern edge of the craton, in the T'Kuip Hills, a sequence of rocks termed the Sodium Group unconformably overlies foliated biotite granite (∼2.8 Ga), and occupies a half-graben along part of the craton margin. This succession is correlated with the Platberg Group of the Ventersdorp Supergroup. Initially piedmont-type arkosic sediments characterized by granite-boulder conglomerate were deposited as proximal facies. Higher in the sequence the grain size diminished and air-fall tuff became an important constituent mixed with the clastic component. Minor lenses of mafic lava and tuff also appeared in the arkose. Flows of felsic volcanics then followed, probably as high-temperature, volatile-poor ignimbrite. As elsewhere in the Ventersdorp Supergroup, mafic volcanism succeeded the felsic phase. This resulted in a varying unit of tho...

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